Umělecký rezidenční pobyt ve Vídni 2019

BMEIA prodloužilo svou v roce 2016 započatou spolupráci s Q21 v MQ (Museumsquartier) na další dva roky 2019 a 2020. Od ledna 2019 bude v Q21 pro umělce a umělkyně k dispozici výtvarné studio. BMEIA poskytne měsíční stipendium ve výši 1050 EUR. Další informace a termíny

Q21 Artists-in-Residence OPEN CALL for

artists from Central-, Eastern and South-eastern Europe 2019

This studioprogram is dedicated to artists from  Central-, Eastern and South-eastern Europe who do not normally reside in Austria. It aims to give them the opportunity to live and work at Q21 as Artists-in-Residence. A live/work studio is available in the MuseumsQuartier Wien complex. The Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Austria BMEIA together with Q21 is launching a call for applications for a 2 to 3-month artist residency in Vienna in 2019. Within this cooperation, Q21 provides the artist's studio, while BMEIA finances a scholarship per month.

What does the Artist-in-Residence program offer?
The program offers a space to live, a space to work, and the opportunity to experience the unique environment in Vienna, a city where tradition and an abundant and well-diversified contemporary cultural scene coexist. Furthermore, the artist will receive a grant for living expenses of 1.050,- € per month.

What length of residency is available and when?
The duration of the residency will be from two to three months, starting in the beginning of January 2019 and ending in the end of December 2019. 

Who should apply?
The residency is for visual artists with their main place of residence in Central-, Eastern and South-eastern Europe. Please note that applications from artists who previously have participated in the Q21 studioprogram as well as applications from students cannot be accepted. Excellent English skills (written and spoken) are required. The applicant cannot receive grants from other residency programs during the same period of time.

When and how can I submit my application?
Artists can apply between August 1st and September 10th, 2018.
Deadline for submissions is September 10th, 2018. 
The data volume of the mail should not exceed 5 MB. Please send your application to the following e-mail adress: and


Which material should be submitted?

  • Artist statement (500-100 characters including spaces)
  • Motivation letter and project description (1500-2000 characters including spaces)
  • CV (including education, previous residencies, exhibitions)
  • Portfolio


How will the application be submitted and selected?

The selection will be made by the Q21, the Ministry and one curator/art historian from Vienna.


When will I be informed of the result?

The results of the selections should be out on October 1st 2018. Each applicant will be informed by Q21.


Obrázek k akci Umělecký rezidenční pobyt ve Vídni 2019

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